About Me

FoodieFC loves and enjoys food. In his opinion, Money Food Makes The World Goes RoundThrough this site, FoodieFC hopes to share his foodie journey, be it delicious or lousy food in an objective and unbiased manner. FoodieFC hopes to discover more hidden gems (new or old, hawker centres, coffee shops or restaurants).

This is a Singapore Food 'Blog'. All outlets are in Singapore unless stated otherwise. Also, FoodieFC would post on food outlets which he visited in other countries such as Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou during his travels. 

No invites or sponsorship. FoodieFC turns down invites and sponsorship to remain anonymous. The intent is to be able to visit restaurants, food outlets and eateries without receiving preferential treatment (such as more attentive service, more quantity and better quality food, etc). Essentially, it is about receiving the same food and treatment as everyone else.

Over the years, FoodieFC has evolved to include information such as prices, address, telephone numbers, opening hours and locations of the food outlets which readers may find useful. In addition, food deals such as 'buy 1 get 1 free deals' are featured regularly. In May 2013, the Overseas Food Map and Singapore Food Map was added. Through the maps, the locations of restaurants / food outlets posted in this blog are shown. FoodieFC hopes it would be a useful tool. All information such as location, opening hours, price, etc are correct at the time of publication. 

You can find me at:
Thank You for visiting. Happy Eating!

FoodieFC Journey

17 Aug 2010 to 17 Sep 2011   FoodieFC Wordpress  
17 Sep 2011 to  Current           FoodieFC Blogspot  


  1. Very detail & well taken pictures of the food ! :)

    Have any Facebook account to keep in contact? :)


  2. Hi Linda

    Thank you for your kind comments.

    No facebook set up for FoodieFC yet. I am still considering the feasibility of setting up a FoodieFC Facebook.

  3. No worries ! Would be glad to keep posted about if you are setting up a Facebook account for FFC :)


  4. Can still find S$2.50 chicken rice.
    and with mongosteen award (Jap).
    Opp Jurong East stadium.

    The problems is with some beverages
    like teh or kopi, keep increasing prices
    and not necessairly quality improve.

    Only some stall maintain price and up quality
    like the 1 in Taman Jurong 2nd floor (Nam Hong).

  5. Hi

    yea, getting real hard to find. So eat them while they are still operating!

  6. LOL I love your blog especially the Great Food Deals ;D

    1. Hi Johor Kaki

      Thanks! Hope you find them useful!

  7. I have an interesting blog. Happy following you:)

  8. Hi.. you should try the Bak Chor Mee at Blk 85 Toa Payoh.

    1. Hi Thanks for the tip. Is it Lai Heng Mushroom Minced Meat Mee?

  9. Hello :)i chanced upon this blog by accident and I really like it.
    Keep it up :)I keep coming back :D
    I really don't know how you find all these food deals .
    Hahaha . :D Is food your passion or something ? HAHAHHA :D

    1. Thanks Apple.

      Yes, food is my passion =)

  10. Hi! I've started a food blog just a few days ago and seeing your page makes me realise ive still a long way to go! It would be great if we can keep in contact on fb or any other platforms(:

    1. Thanks. This is just a humble place for me to record my foodie journey =D


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