
Thursday 17 May 2012

Western Food (NUS Business Canteen, The Terrace)

This Western Food stall located at NUS Business Canteen aka The Terrance is considered the best western food in the campus. In short, it is cheap and good. You can hardly find western food at this price else where.
When I was studying in NUS Business School, I frequently this stall almost daily as there was nothing else that I fancy at the Business School Canteen. The other stall that was good was the Malay Stall located at the corner.

It has been three and a half years since I graduated. As I happened to be in NUS, I decided to come back to NUS Business Canteen and eat the Western Food again! Noticed that several stalls have changed hands. Glad to known that the western stall is still run by the same uncle. I was pleasantly surprised that he still remembers me!
 As usual, this is the stall with the longest queue.
My advise is for you to decide what you want to order before joining the queue. Reason? Well.. the man behind this stall takes orders all the way to the end of the queue at times. His memory is real good! I still remember how on several occasion, he would frown when someone hesitates or is undecided on what to order. Customers who patron this stall will surely remember his 'Next Pls, Next Pls, Next Pls.'
Grilled Chicken Chop with Pasta, added Potato Wedges $4.00
I ordered the Grilled Chicken Chop with Pasta and added Potato Wedges. Regulars would notice that I switched the pasta to Fusili Pasta. The Fusili Pasta comes with tomato sauce. I like the brown gravy that is on top of the chicken chop. It taste very similar to the gravy that is used in KFC's whipped potato. The chicken chop and potato wedges are simple yet it taste great. 

This stall is run by just 2 person. The man and a woman (I am not sure if that is his wife). The woman just does the cooking while the man takes the order and collect the orders. When you look at the way they run the operation, you will be amazed how they clear the queue so fast. It is just like Just-In-Time, if you know supply chain you will know what I mean. I wish I have many more chance to come back here! When I was still studying here, I also frequently order the Cheezy Egg Sandwich $1.90, Cheezy Farmer's Omelette $2.00, Deep Fried Chicken Cutlet & Pasta $3.00, Herbs & Honey Roasted Chicken Leg with Pasta $3.40 and Fish and Chips $2.60.

I still remember that I was told that the man behind this stall was actually a lawyer. He stopped his practise in law and started this western stall as he had a passion for cooking. If this is true, this will explain his good command of English, wittiness, memory and pride. 

Western Food (NUS Business Canteen, The Terrace)
National University of Singapore
Stall 5, School of Business Canteen (The Terrace) 


  1. oh you're so young! I thought you're late 30s!

    1. Hi

      haha thanks! I guess that means you are in your late 30s? =)

  2. Looks like a nice place & the menu looks good. My son is studying in Temasek Poly now. He bought some Pork & Chicken Chops & took 1hr+ ride home for us to try. Not too bad actually & it's just $3 for a set. So cheap! U may wanna try too :)

    1. Hi Shirley

      wow, your son has grown up! (did not know about this before hand). And so nice to bring back the pork & chicken chop despite it being more than 1 hr journey!

  3. Not only the food but the service seems very efficient and I am impressed that the man is so good in remembering the orders.

    1. Yes, many customers/students learn this the hard way; being frowned at. haha. Needless to say, I was one of them. But once I got to know him, he is very nice!

  4. you're studying in NUS? That's pretty affordable for students!
