
Saturday 19 May 2012

Leong Kee (Klang) Bak Kut Teh 梁记(巴生)肉骨茶 (Beach Road)

Leong Kee (Klang) Bak Kut Teh is located along Beach Road. Whenever I walk pass the place, the place is always bursting with customers. I decided to try it for myself on a weekday lunch.

I ordered the Bak Kut Teh (Ribs) with a bowl of Rice. As the place was very crowded, I waited for more than 20 minutes before my order was served.
Bak Kut Teh (Ribs) $5.50 with Rice $0.50
Bak Kut Teh (Ribs) $5.50
This bowl of Bak Kut Teh soup is very different from the peppery version. The Bak Kut Teh soup was  thick, cloudy with a bitterish herbal taste. Personally, I prefer the peppery version with hints of garlic fragrance. Inside, there are vegetables, pork ribs and bean curd skin. The pork ribs were very tender and soft.  However, I felt that the pork ribs were not meaty enough.

I doubt that I am coming back any time soon. I still prefer my Bak Kut Teh soup to be the peppery type. Maybe this (Klang style) will suit your taste bud, but it certainty did not suit me. There's another Bak Kut Teh outlet located nearby, just across the road. I hope to give it a try one day.

Leong Kee (Klang) Bak Kut Teh 梁记(巴生)肉骨茶 (Beach Road)
321 Beach Road
Junction of Beach Road & Sultan Gate
Tel: 9380 1718
Opening Hours: Tue to Sun 11am - 9pm

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  1. I always seem to get a headache after eating this type of BKT, think it's something to do with the very strong herbs used in this. Much prefer the Teochew white peppery style of BKT.

    1. That's something new to me. I prefer peppery version too =)

  2. Although the Klang style and the Teochew peppery style are both known as BKT, they are in fact miles apart. So I won't say that your review on this BKT as justified if comparing with your prefered soup base.

    1. Hi, if you read carefully, you would have noticed that I wrote that its very different. In the end its subjective as different people would prefer different style.
