
Monday 2 June 2014

Xi Xiang Feng Yong Tau Foo 喜相逢酿豆腐 (Ang Mo Kio)

Xi Xiang Feng Yong Tau Foo 喜相逢酿豆腐 is a popular Yong Tau Foo stall located at the Ang Mo Kio Central hawker centre. It has been featured on several food programs such as "Where The Queue Starts" / "排排站查查看" . 
When we visited on a Friday evening at 630pm (half an hour before its closing time), we were surprised to note that there was still several items available although some items were out of stock. There was a short queue of around 6 persons in front of us. We waited for slightly more than 15 minutes before we received our bowls of Yong Tau Foo. 
The menu showing the price of the Yong Tau Foo was clearly displayed. Yes, you did not read it wrongly, they sell Chee Cheong Fun too! Do note, you would need to choose your Yong Tau Foo ingredients before joining the queue.
The partner ordered this bowl of Yong Tau Foo. Her choice of noodles was bee hoon. Besides the fresh ingredients, what made customers keep patronisng this stall was its sweet sauce which was very fragrant and addictive!
 The soup was very flavourful and tasty. The result of cooking it with lots of soya bean and ikan bilis.
 I ordered the Laksa Yong Tau Foo with thick bee hoon.
The laksa gravy was very good. It was rich, flavourful and thick. It could be because, it was already the end of the day. It came with taupok which absorbed the laksa gravy. 

After trying out this stall, I knew why it was so popular. It was down to 3 main reasons:
- homely soup base which was not MSG laden
- laksa gravy
- fresh ingredients

I will be back for more! 

Xi Xiang Feng Yong Tau Foo 喜相逢酿豆腐 (Ang Mo Kio)
Blk 724 Ang Mo Kio Ave 6
Ang Mo Kio Food Centre #01-23
Opening hours: Mon to Sat 7am – 7pm
                          Closed on Sunday

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  1. That bowl of laksa; please if possible I want to dive into.

  2. may be inexpensive and tasty, but there's a serious case of sickeningly bad attitude... the guy at the stall is damn rude and arrogant. keeps yelling at customers. when asked for more chilli/sweet and he scolded saying that with a small order, he wants to charge extra to get an additional dipping saucer of sauce. he's also a very unhygienic guy, keeps touching his face and nose while moving the bowls of orders around.

    1. ewww sounds gross. Lucky for me, I never encounter such attitude (yet). Maybe its because I always pile my bowl up with ingredients!

    2. yes, lucky you! here are just some other such comments:
      some hawkers think and behave as though they're some celebrity chefs.

    3. wow, thanks for highlighting this.

  3. In a nutshell:

    I ordered from this Xi Xiang Feng Yong Tau Foo stall in Ang Mo Kio two weeks ago, getting myself a 6-items bowl, consisting of seaweed chicken, tau pok, bean curd, cutter fish and kang kong and bee hoon, and I was charged $3.70.

    Last week, I bought the same 6-items bowl and was charged $3.80. I politely questioned the male hawker about the price increase, to which he resorted, "There is no increase leh." And I kept quiet.

    Today (31st March 2018), I purposely selected the same 6 items and to my nasty surprise, I was charged $4. I requested him to calculate again, informing him that I had been wrongly charged because in the past the prices were $3.70 and $3,80 respectively for the same items. Upon hearing that, the two male hawkers manning the stall turned nasty and hysterious, scolding me for making an enquiry and rudely told me not to patronise their stall again.

    I ended up paying $4 for the bowl of Yong Tau Foo, wondering if there is an organisation which controls price discrepancies especially for food items that do not come with price tags.

    1. Hi Tom

      I am sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience. I do not think there is any regulation on this. It would be more of good practice.

      The closest organisation that I can think of who can look into this is NEA and CASE.

    2. You should boycott them ! Make them feel the pain of losing 4$ !
