
Saturday 4 January 2014

Giveaway: Win EPIKebabs Vouchers (Closed)

As I have 4 pieces of EPIKebabs vouchers worth $22, I have decided to give them away to one lucky reader.

EPIKebabs is located at Wilkie Edge opposite Peace Centre along Selegie Road. You can view the terms and conditions and a sample of how a voucher looks like at the bottom of this post. 

To join the giveaway, all you need to do is:
2) Leave a comment in this blog post, providing me with your Facebook Username (for the purpose of contacting you if you are the winner)

Closing date: 8 Jan 2014 (Wednesday), 2359 hr. Valid for readers residing in Singapore only. One winner will be chosen at random (via a name generator) and announced in this post. The winner will receive all 4 EPIKebabs vouchers. The vouchers will be sent via post (i.e snail mail). FoodieFC will not be responsible in the event the vouchers are lost in transit during postal delivery. Good luck!

Winner of the giveaway:
Redraw - Winner is Janette Tan
The winner is Matilda Lim. Congratulations. 

Please contact me (facebook / email) by 13th Jan 2014, 2359hrs as your Facebook privacy setting does not allow me to contact you. 

A new winner will be selected if the current winner do not contact me by the above stated date. 


  1. Priya naresh Kumar. Would be great to try kebabs!

  2. Shirley Lee. Thank you for the giveaway!

  3. Thanks for the promo! - Pei Ren -

  4. thanks for the giveaway!

    FB: Janette Tan (

    Have a lovely sunday ahead!

  5. Would love to try this kebabs, thx :)
    FB username: Darren Ong

  6. esther lim. thks for the great giveaway :)

  7. Loyal fan :)

    -Matilda Lim

  8. Regular reader ! : )

    -Neo Jie Xiang.

  9. Would love to try out :)

    FB Name : Rameesha Surani Perera Mackeen
    hehe probably one of the longest names out there :P

  10. Richard Neo

    Love kebabs! Thanks for maintaining a fantastic blog and running this giveaway :)

  11. Ooh thank you so much!! Kebabs would be lovely!

    Fb name: Renee Sanchez

  12. Oh dear.. I wasn't notified of the win on facebook :(
    Such a bummer...

    1. Hi Matilda

      So sorry about that. I tried contacting you but your FB privacy setting did not allow me to do so.

  13. That's odd.. my privacy settings are on 'basic filtering'.
    It's okay, next time just add me as friend :)
    Thanks anyway!
