
Friday 3 January 2014

Ghim Moh Chwee Kway 锦茂李老三 (Ghim Moh Food Centre)

Ghim Moh Chwee Kway 锦茂李老三 located at Ghim Moh Food Centre at near Buona Vista MRT station is operated by a couple. The couple (Mr and Mrs Lee Sah Bah) has been selling Chwee Kway since 1959 and is well-known among residents staying at this area. 
Price Chart
The prices of the Chwee Kway 水粿 are clearly stated on the price chart at the facade of the stall. 
Mrs Lee partially hidden by the stack of Chwee Kway in their metal moulds laid out on rounds boards stacked on top of one another!

Chwee Kway is essentially a steamed rice cake topped with diced preserved radish. At this stall, the owners make everything by hand, not machined made. This means that they have to wake up at 5am every day to start the preparation. In addition, they made the preserved radish (chye poh) differently from other stalls by just stir frying it for 2 hours with onion, garlic and pork lard (without sugar). 
As I was taking photos of the facade after having made my order, Mr Lee, 63 years old suddenly popped up (in front of me) and proudly showed me his City Food Hunt 2013 certificate which he just received! I could sense his pride and joy. With more than 54 years in this line of business, it was not an easy feat! Kudos! Many more years to come! 
Chwee Kway $1.20
Chwee Kway $1.20
4 pieces of Chwee Kway for $1.20. Unlike else where, you get toothpick(s) instead of fork or spoon. 
Chwee Kway $1.20
The Chwee Kway was not bad; soft yet firm. It was tasted pretty much the same as those at other stalls. What was unique was the chey poh.

When I got the Chwee Kway, the first thought that went into my mind was... Aiya, auntie give so little chye poh. After eating all the Chwee Kway, I suspect that the reason was because the way their version of chye poh was more salty. Beside being salty, their chye poh was oh-so fragrant (must be the pork lard)!! Hence, the amount given was sufficient.

Worth a try. 

Ghim Moh Chwee Kway 锦茂李老三 (Ghim Moh Food Centre)
#01-31 Ghim Moh Road Market and Food Centre
Blk 20 Ghim Moh Road
Singapore 270020 
Opening Hours: Daily 6am to 7pm

View FoodieFC's Singapore Food Map in a larger map


  1. yes this chwee kueh is really good! So much better than guan kee ckt which is not worth the time queuing for. hmm all places give toothpicks for chwee kueh!

  2. i agree, the chye poh does look a bit pathetically miserly.
