
Thursday 8 November 2012

Choo Chiang Roasted Meat Noodle House 珠江烧腊面家 (Bencoolen Road)

Choo Chiang Roasted Meat Noodle House 珠江烧腊面家 is a chain of hawker stalls specialising in selling Roasted Duck, Roasted Pork and Char Siew noodles. Choo Chiang first started its business in 1987. Over the years, it has expanded and today has over 10 outlets with a central kitchen to ensure that quality is not compromised. In addition, catering to buffets and takeaway delivery.

I visited its stall at Bencoolen Road (10 minutes from Bugis MRT station).
Roasted Duck and Roasted Pork Noodles $5
Roasted Duck and Roasted Pork Noodles $5
The Roasted Duck was tender and juicy, not too dry not too hard. The Roasted Pork (sio bak) lacked the crisp cracking skin and was saved by the soft bones (which I like). On the other hand, the noodles was well cooked, soft but not soggy and still springy. It was drizzled with sweet gravy that was robust and flavourful. The pork lard enhanced the flavour even more! The gravy complement the noodles and meat well.

It was served with both green chilli and sambal chilli. The sambal chilli was not bad. But a tad too sweet and lack a spicy kick.
Char Siew Roasted Duck Noodle $4.50
Char Siew Roasted Duck Noodle $4.50
The Char Siew was well marinated and tender with a good ratio of fats and lean meat.  A pity there was no charred parts which would have appealed more to me. The Roasted Duck and noodles were as good as what I ate during my last visit.

Overall, I would say that the food here is tasty and affordable. Choo Chiang has several outlets in Singapore. Hopefully, the standard is the same in all their outlets.

Choo Chiang Roasted Meat Noodle House 珠江烧腊面家 (Bencoolen Road)
180 Bencoolen Street 
#01-05 The Bencoolen
Tel: 6759 5512

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  1. I love duck, whatmore when its roasted. These are of the food I will never ever give up.

    1. Yes, and it makes the duck more fragrant compared to braised.

  2. hi, can anyone post a sample receipt from this establishment?

    Thank you
