
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Angel Horse Teochew Fish Soup (Albert Centre Market & Food Centre)

Angel Horse Teochew Fish Soup is a stall located in Albert Centre Market & Food Centre near Bugis Junction which specialises in fish soup. If you are a regular at this hawker centre, you will notice that there is always a long queue that stretches from 8 to 10 people long at this stall during lunch / dinner time. 
It is important to invest in a good freezer to keep the fish fresh if you are running a fish soup stall. One can expect to queue 20 to 30 minutes before being able to order.
Fish Soup $5.00 with Rice $0.50
The Fish Soup comes in $3.00 / $4.00 / $5.00. I ordered the $5.00 portion along with a bowl of rice $0.50
Fish Soup $5.00
The Fish Soup was clear and its ingredients include bitter gourd, tomato, seaweed, toufu and slices of fish.
There are 2 main factors in a bowl of fish soup. The first is the broth / soup and the second is the fish meat. The soup was clear, tasty and not salty. I am not sure how they make the soup, but from the taste, alot of effort and time should have been taken. Also, there are very small bits of salted fish and soya bean in the soup. No milk was added to artificially enhance the taste of the soup.  

Several slices of fish was given. Each piece was soft and smooth. The fish was very fresh and one can taste the sweetness of the fish. I am glad that they did not slice the fish very thinly (like what some other stalls do). 

In addition, the salted bean sauce and chilli padi given complemented each other very well. However, I saw no need for them as the fish was so fresh that I preferred just the original flavour. This stall serves a very good bowl of fish soup. One of the best Fish Soup I have had thus far; simple and good. It was certainly worth the waiting time. I will be be back for more! Give this a try when you are around the area.

Angel Horse Teochew Fish Soup  (Albert Centre Market & Food Centre)
270 Queen Street
#01-95 Albert Centre Food Centre
Opening Hours: Tue to Sun 11am - 8pm
                           Closed on Mon

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  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this place! I takeaway so often from them they're practically family! Their fish soup is simply DA BEST, isn't it? How'd you know about this shop?

    1. Hi Bern

      lol. You must be a die hard fan of this stall. Because I work nearby and always notice a long queue. 2nd time blogging about this stall. First post is at my old blog.

      How do you patronise them so often when the queue is always so long?

      Totally agree with you. 'Da Best'. I listed it as 'die die must try' too! Delish!

    2. Bo pian. They move quite fast, so even if the queue is long, you don't have to wait too long. I do try to hit the shop during non-rush hour dining peak periods though. In any case, there's always the iPhone to occupy your time! :)

    3. Hi Bern

      you are a true die hard fan of this stall. I have only queue around 5 times to date. But as you said. Well worth the time to queue!

  2. Lovely bowl of fish soup and the pieces of fish looks very fresh.

  3. THe fish look fresh and big.

    1. Hi Derrick

      Yes, it is. Thats what made this so amazingly delish

  4. There's this particular same stall tat sells fried fish soup as well,at e corner 1st stall near e busy walkways.. wheres this fat auntie would cook u a bowl of 60% soup . i was so mad n asked for more soup n they replied "we cooked 1 time together thus u got this amt" pls dont cater this stall. I shall cater this good feedbacks stall soon,thank you.
